Our partnerships

We believe partnership and cooperation are key to making a positive difference for both humans and environment. This is why we participate and take part in the following initiatives:

sectoral agreement within the
fashion & textile industry

We believe that involvement and cooperation with our suppliers are the cornerstones to continuosly improve the conditions in our value chain and the means that will ensure safe working conditions for all the skilled workers in our supply chain.

Through continuous education, audits, and information sharing, we support our suppliers in making their business healthy.

We are simultaneously pushing for more transparency.

Amfori BSCI

Is an organization who helps us monitor and improve visibility in our supply chain. Our membership is a tool that allows us to keep improving the social performance at the production facilities we cooperate with.

The amfori BSCI Code of Conduct is built on the international standards of Human Rights and Labour rights and align with OECD Guidelines, UN Guiding Principles and ILO standards.

The amfori BSCI approach is built on the values: Continuous improvement, which means to keep improving step by step. Cooperation, as the cooperation between other brands and companies in the industry cooperate to support the continuous improvements. Empowerment, to give the suppliers the knowledge.

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Our denim

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Our fibre classification

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Our social policies

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